Mi-Hi Findability Services

Video SEO

I read this article about a new study that shows that videos that are properly optimized can dramatically enhance search engine rankings of a site.  The study was done by Spotzer Media, an advertising agency that specializes in making high quality videos.  In the study, they found that businesses were 30 times more likely to receive customer attention if they distributed videos that were created and distributed using Video SEO.

What exactly is Video SEO? According to Gordan Henry, President of Spotzer Media:

Video SEO helps businesses get found on the Internet. It is a new technology in which a video first gets associated with relevant data and then the video plus data gets distributed across the Internet to be picked up by Google and other search engines.

How does one do Video SEO?  The following video shows how to do it.

SEOmoz Whiteboard Friday – Optimizing for Video Content from Scott Willoughby on Vimeo.

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