Mi-Hi Findability Services

  • Tag Archives traffic
  • Using Social Networking Sites to Boost Traffic

    Social networking sites like Facebook and Twitter are tools that can be used to boost traffic to one’s site.  These sites have millions of subscribers that can potentially visit your site.  For example, on Facebook, one can create a fan page or group page to let people know about one’s website.  If people like the website’s facebook profile, fan page, or group, they will more than likely visit the website.  With a twitter account, one can interact with current customers and potential visitors with short 140 character messages.  The more interactive one is with the social networking sites, the more potential visitors one’s website will get. To be more interactive, one should try to respond to visitors as much as possible. Try to post interesting topics or tweets.

    Check out this video that shows how one can get more followers on Twitter:

  • Google Analytics: Traffic Analysis

    Site Statistics

    Google Analytics is a free online service/tool that collects detailed statistical data about the visitors to your website.  It tells you how many people visit your site, it tells you what browsers your visitors are using, it tells you which pages on your site that people visit most, and much more.  Knowing such statistical data will help you to build and maintain a site better suited for your visitors.  Above is a picture of the Dashboard of one my blogs that I’m tracking using Google Analytics. Below is a video showing a great tutorial on how to use Google Analytics.

    Installation is very easy.  All you have to do is register with Google Analytics and then embed the provided code into your website template.  So what are you waiting for? Install it on your site today!

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