Mi-Hi Findability Services

Email Marketing


Mi-Hi Findability Services is a company that specializes in various web marketing services.  Services include SEO (Search Engine Optimization), E-mail Marketing/Campaigning, Traffic Analysis, and many more services that help advertise their various clients’ websites to the public.

E-mail Campaign Goals

Mi-Hi Findability Services is deploying two e-mail marketing campaigns.  The first one is a weekly newsletter and the second is a special postcard promotion.  The weekly newsletter informs subscribed users about the company and/or website’s current events.  Such news on a newsletter might include additions to the company website, information about the services that the company provides, or news about special promotions that the company is offering.  The special postcard promotion will inform subscribed users about one special promotion that the company is offering.  Both of these campaigns will bring new and returning traffic to the site.


Mi-Hi Findability Services deployed the two e-mail marketing campaigns using MailChimp.com’s Rich Email Campaign generating services.  With the service, Mi-Hi was able to create subscription lists and e-mail marketing templates.  The service allowed Mi-Hi to upload it’s own images and text into the various different types of ready-made templates.  Below are the two e-mail campaigns resulting from this service:

Newsletter -

Findability Services Newsletter

Findability Services Newsletter

Postcard -

Postcard Promo E-mail

Postcard Promo E-mail

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