Mi-Hi Findability Services

Flash and Findability

There is a myth that Flash websites cannot be found through search engines such as Google and Yahoo.  That is not true.  There are several ways in which one can search engine optimize a flash-based website.  One way to embed flash content and still have it searchable is to use the swfobject model <object> instead of <embed> like so:

<object type="application/x-shockwave-flash"
data="c.swf?path=[name of swf].swf"
width="400" height="300">
<param name="[name of swf]"
value="c.swf?path=[name of swf].swf" /></object>

One can also add the swf inside of a <div> and add meta data to make it more searchable.  One can also use SWFObject, an easy-to-use and standards-friendly method to embed Flash content which utilizes one small JavaScript file.  Here are some additional resources:

  • dinamic_sidebar 4 none

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